If you want to open an account with Coinbase, this link will give you an extra $10 to start your Coinbase account.
After you have purchased ether in your Coinbase account, you will want to install a wallet on a local machine in order to move the ether off the Coinbase exchange. After creating a local wallet, you will transfer the ether from Coinbase to the public key of your local wallet.
We will use the Exodus wallet, because it supports multiple coins. It also supports Shapeshift, to swap to different coins.
This example uses MS Windows 10 Pro, 64 bit.
Click here to download the Exodus wallet application. For this example, choose the Windows application.
Optionally scan the downloaded file for viruses.
Double-click the downloaded file to install Exodus. It will install and show a prompt telling you it has been installed. Look for the desktop shortcut and double-click it. This will display the main Exodus screen.

On the left side of the Exodus application, click Wallet.

Press Receive and the program will show your local ethereum address.
Press the left button to copy this address into the clipboard.
Login to Coinbase and go to Send/Request.
Paste the address from the clipboard, which was copied from the Exodus applictation, into the Recipient field of Coinbase.
Choose the amount to send, and select "ETH Wallet".

Press the Send Funds button.
Enter the authentication code, and confirm the transaction.

Coinbase will show the coin has been sent.

Go to the Exodus application and look for the received coin.

Exodus allows a backup to be created once there is any amount of coin in the wallet.Backup the wallet in Exodus by pressing the Backup button on the left side of the program.
Create a password.

The next Exodus screen will display twelve words. With these words, anyone can recreate the wallet. Print out or write down the twelve word password recovery words and keep the words private to yourself.
Enter an email address to receive a recovery link. Then log in to your email account and look for the email from support@exodus.io.
If you want to send a tip, use this ethereum public key address: 0xe3964791d573bf3459C8be9c1bffB35Ce4ddBC2e