Saturday, March 14, 2020

Disable Windows 10 Netbios and SMB

On Microsoft Windows 10, SMB 1 should already be disabled. To enhance security, you may want to also disable SMB 1 and 2 and NetBIOS.

Open PowerShell as Administrator by pressing the Start button, typing powershell, and pressing Run As Administrator:

Read the Microsoft post about how to disable SMB

In PowerShell, get the setting and disable it with:
Get-SmbServerConfiguration | Select EnableSMB2Protocol
Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EnableSMB2Protocol $false

Disable SMB v1 in PowerShell with:
Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName smb1protocol

If you see an error of "Access is denied", ensure you run PowerShell as Administrator.

To disable NetBIOS, in Control Panel go to Advanced TCP/IP Settings and press the radio button: