To download the latest ODBC driver, go to and choose "msi". Choose the most recent version for your Windows machine. If you don't know if your desktop is AMD or Intel, press the Windows Start button and type Settings. Click on Settings. In the windows that opens, click on Settings --> About. Look at the "Processor" line.
Download the zip file from to your PC.
Unzip or "Extract all" on the file. In this example, the file name is psqlodbc_12_02_0000-x86.
In the new folder, run the psqlodbc file. If Windows intercepts the install, press "More info" and click the button to "Run anyway".
The psqlODBC Setup Wizard should run.
Press the Microsoft Windows Start button and type: ODBC
Choose program "ODBC Data Sources".
Choose Add, then chose Postgresql and press button Finish. Set it up, press button Test, and save it.
In Microsoft Access, create a new blank database.
In the Machine Data Source tab, pick the connection that had just been set up.
Select the tables and press OK.
The table names will be on the left of Microsoft Access. Double-click to open the table data.
Another database management tool is DBeaver. An open source version is available here.
Ubuntu users may install the snap (sudo snap install dbeaver-ce). Microsoft Windows users may install from the Windows Store.